Nassau, The Bahamas – Chambers and Partners follows up its 2019 Bahamas Investment Guide with a comprehensive 2020 update authored by GrahamThompson Partners Aliya Allen and Sarah Packington. The 2020 Investment Funds Global Practice Guide, “Law and Practice” in The Bahamas, provides detailed content in Alternative Investment Funds and Retail Funds. For each subject area, authors provide a close examination of:
- Fund Formation
- Fund Investment
- Regulatory Regime
- Operational Requirements
- Fund Finance
- Tax Regime
They examine in detail, salient issues and developments. Allen and Packington also provide a snapshot of the state of the market, recent developments and proposals for reforms. A PDF document copy of the guide may be downloaded here, 2020 Investment Funds Global Practice Guide, “Law and Practice” in The Bahamas.
Chambers and Partners practice guides are internationally recognised as “definitive global law guides offering comparative analysis from top-ranked lawyers”. An online version of the chapter can be accessed from the Chambers website, here
GrahamThompson is a top-ranked law firm, achieving Band 1 rankings from the prestigious London-based organisation, in both Chambers and Partners’ High Net Worth (HNW) Offshore Trusts Sector rankings and its Global rankings in General Business Law. Allen and Packington were both co-authors of the previous 2019 Investment Funds Guide. Both attorneys will be featured presenters in a joint Bahamas Institute of Financial Services (BIFS), Securities Commission of The Bahamas and GrahamThompson half day “Deep Dive Seminar” into the Investments Funds Act, 2019, on Wednesday March 4th.
GrahamThompson Partner Aliya Allen is very highly regarded for her expertise in capital markets, investment funds and regulatory practice and has consistently played a leading role in the development and revision of industry defining legislation. Including her leadership of Graham Thompson’s consulting team to the Securities Commission on the Investment Funds Act, 2019. She is a former CEO and Executive Director of the Bahamas Financial Services Board. In that position she provided industry leadership on a host of initiatives including FATCA, CRS, AML/CFT and the development of the Investment Condominium (ICON) legislation.
Partner Sarah Packington, has also been one of GrahamThompson’s leading technical advisers to the Bahamas Securities Commission on the overhaul of the Investment Fund Act, 2019. She acts for financial institutions on a variety of regulatory matters and also acts for private and institutional clients. Sarah is a 2020 IFLR 1000 “Rising Star”, a recognition that marks her outstanding work in the corporate and financial fields. Both attorneys are partners in GrahamThompson’s Financial Services, Private Client, Trusts and Estates Practice Group.
Download a PDF copy of the Chambers Law and Practice Guide here Investment Funds in the Bahamas.
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