Hurricane Dorian Exigency Order Now in Effect

September 5, 2019 Download PDF
Hurricane Dorian Exigency Order Now in Effect

The Hurricane Dorian Exigency Order is now in effect.

Under the Exigency Order hurricane relief supplies can be imported into The Bahamas duty free and VAT free, provided the conditions outlined in the Order are met. Importers will be required to complete a simple, one-page form in order to apply for the established tax breaks. Bahamas Customs has structured the process in three steps:

  1. Complete an Exigency Order Application Form
  2. Complete Relevant Customs Declaration Form
  3. Present Documents to Customs at Port of Entry for on-site clearance and approval

A PDF copy of the Order may be downloaded here, Hurricane Dorian Exigency Order. Visit the Bahamas Customs website via this link, Bahamas Customs – Hurricane Dorian Exigency Order, for further information.